The New season for the following division is now open
Divisions offered
To register your team please email us on with team Name and roster
Sunday Social 10B ( starts 23/07)
Sunday Social 10A ( starts 30/07)
Sunday Pool B ( Starts on 30/07)
Sunday Pool A (starts on 06/08)
Sunday Division 8 (starts 06/08)
Monday Social ( starts 07/08)
Tuesday Unisex 7 -NEW ( starts on 25/07)
Tuesday Social – (starts on 08/08)
Wednesday Division 5 (starts on 09/08)
Wednesday Division 3 ( starts on 23/08)
Thursday Social A ( Starts on 03/08)
Thursday Social B ( Starts on 03/08)
Thursday Social C ( Starts on 27/07)
Thursday Unisex 7 ( Starts on 03/08)
Champions/Runner up prizes please check under Competition info
Note: Games played at Auburn PCYC – all players must become members of PCYC, this is $30 annually to become PCYC members and is not costed into your Nomination. If you are a PCYC elsewhere you do not have to pay the membership again.
Individual Rego: FREE (this is costed into Team Fees)
Insurance: Costed into Team Fee and covers 10 players on your roster and fillins
Payment: $750 Deposit to be accepted in the competition
Balance to be paid by week 4 of the competition
Late Nominations are accepted please email us on to see if spots are available or contact Kim Yi on 0407947716